
IdeaBang, LLC (parent company of this course and Scott Rouse) and Greg Hartley do not and can not guarantee your ability to get results with our information, tactics, strategies, or tools. We only guarantee your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the course we sell. If for any reason you are not happy with the quality of training we provide, just ask for your money back. Please know that all of our training, products, and services are strictly for educational and informational purposes. Nothing on this page or any page of our website(s), or any of our content or teaching curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results. We do not offer or provide any legal, tax, medical, or any other professional advice. You alone are responsible and accountable for the decisions you make, and actions you take, and the results in your life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold IdeaBang LLC, Scott Rouse, or Greg Hartley, or anyone, or anything connected with those people, entities, or businesses, liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.  Your access to our course/s will end 9 months (274 days) after purchase.  You will not be notified.  If you are for any reason removed from the course/s before that time you may request re-entry for the amount of time remaining in your 9 month period and you will be granted access for that remaining time.


100% money-back guarantee covers only the price of the course. When a valid refund request is submitted, the refund process will take no more than 14 days. All refunds will be either returned to the original credit card OR- mailed in check form to the billing name and address. International orders will be refunded back to the original credit card. PayPal orders will be credited to the originating PayPal account. You have thirty days (30 Days) from the date of the original purchase to request your refund. Any request received after the thirty days (30 Days) time limit will not be processed. If you used a payment plan (paying for your course in monthly installments) the 30 day guarantee is not valid and any claims will not be processed.